2024: Fourth Quarter
At the beginning of this period – on 2 October to be precise – there is another solar eclipse. Although not as widely visible as was the one that occurred in April, it will nevertheless be a significant influence. Even in a world that is as turbulent as now, it will be a noticeably more unsettled time, during which we need to make every effort to remain peaceful and confident!
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are all retrograde during this period, with only Pluto turning direct again in early October and moving slowly out of its last ‘dip’ back into Capricorn, forward into Aquarius once more, where it will stay for the next twenty years. Saturn and Neptune turn direct again a few weeks before Christmas but are still moving very slowly for a while. All this is likely to be reflected in delays and difficulties in moving things forward, although the underlying momentum remains strong. Mars also turns retrograde in early December, encouraging soul-searching with regard to the use of force and aggression in whatever sense and at whatever level.
A square between Jupiter and Saturn in December and on into the beginning of 2025 indicates a highlighting of any situation in which reason and feeling conflict, so an unsettling time, but useful as it draws attention to lack of objectivity on the one hand or the ignoring of emotions on the other. Which is the best path will depend on the individual situations affected.
Simon Bentley, Head of Astrology