Since the United Kingdom left the European Union, our ability as a charity to send publications (e.g. books) to countries in the EU has become a huge challenge. In short, costs have risen exponentially. 

We have tried to hold on long enough to continue serving customers based in the EU, who purchase books through our online shop (Shopify), but unfortunately it has become unsustainable. 

As a charity, we are not VAT registered, and therefore books or large packages that we try to send to countries in the EU, that require customs declaration, result in delays and extra costs. Often, those deliveries get sent back to us and in some cases, customers are hit with last-minute charges that are out of our control. This is simply not fair on you as a customer and on us as a supplier. 

We completely understand the disappointment and inconvenience this may cause to many of our EU customers, we too are immensely frustrated and will continue to look for solutions to this problem. In the meantime, if you are based in the EU, you can order our books from Amazon, Blackwells or Books ETC.

Once again, we can only apologise for the inconvenience this may cause you.

White Eagle Lodge UK