Royal Stars

Post by Jane Lewis

Fairness and peace are especially important to those born when the Sun is in Libra.  Ruled by Venus, the sign of The Scales brings lessons about harmonising opposite positions.  As natural peace-makers Librans make good negotiators because they can see both sides of any argument.  But, despite their desire for peace, they get embroiled in situations of conflict, rivalry or competition which provide them with the opportunities they need to develop their diplomatic skills and ability for conflict resolution.  Saturn, the Lord of Karma, is exalted in Libra, reminding us that we are bound by the Scales of Justice and must adhere to natural, man-made and universal laws or face the consequences.

As the US election draws close in November it’s interesting to look at the horoscopes of the contestants in the presidential race, Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.  Harris’ Sun is in Libra in the 5th house of leadership.  Her chart shows that she is no stranger to competition and that she is no push-over.  She’s an attorney by profession and has a natural talent for communication that equals that of her opponent, Trump.  The north node of the Moon is in Gemini and prominent in both charts, hers on her ascendant and in his conjunct Sun.  Their nodes make a strong connection with the US Sibly horoscope through conjunction with the nation’s Mars in its 7thhouse.

Both candidates were born at the time of a full moon, hers across the 5th-11th house axis and his across the 4th-10th.  Both are fitted to public-facing roles in which they want to make a some kind of reforming impact on society.  Trumps’ strongly emphasised 4thquadrant shows how he means to make his mark on the world, and Harris’s north node-ascendant shows she has a clear sense of personal destiny and a very eventful life full of changes.  Of the two, her chart is more integrated as she is blessed with two grand trines, one in air and another in fire, giving intellectual dynamism and an impassioned communication style.  Saturn is Harris’ strongest planet overall, being elevated and in dignity in Aquarius, and part of the grand air trine with the Sun and ascendant/north node, giving her strong personal and professional foundation of steadfastness, moral integrity and conscience.  Yet she has enough fire to match Trump whose chart is dominated by Mars on his Leo ascendant.  Harris’s other grand trine features Moon in Aries, Mars also in Leo (close to Trump’s) and Sagittarius south node.

Kamala Harris (Chart)

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Donald Trump (Chart)

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Trump/Harris Bi-wheel (Chart)

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A synastry bi-wheel with Harris’s chart on the outside of Trump’s shows that, no matter how dismissive of her as a serious rival he might like to sound, he really does ‘see’ her.  Trump might try to demean her by saying she’s a political non-entity but such leonine bluster is probably a mask for the fears, doubt and insecurity that Leo feels must be kept hidden from public view at all cost, wanting to project the image of super-hero. With her Jupiter crowning his midheaven, beneath his bravado he probably fears that she could actually out-trump him!  Harris’s secondary converse Sun this year is 29 Leo conjunct Trump’s Mars-ascendant.

Another similarity between their charts is that they both have important fixed stars zodiacally conjunct the chart angles.  Royal Star Regulus is on Trump’s Mars-ascendant and Capulus on his midheaven.  These account for his aggressively confrontational and bullying nature and his conviction about his own entitlement to supremacy.  Kamala Harris has Royal Star Fomalhaut on her midheaven, promising success through the nobility of her ideals. 

Who knows what the final outcome of the election will be come November, assuming that both are still in the running.  Trump has suffered two failed assassination attempts in recent months as transiting Uranus has been passing over his MC-Capulus, a transit that hasn’t finished yet.  Unpredictable the outcome, but boring the coming months surely won’t be!