Post by Jeremy Hayward

Do you want to send out the light of the Star to troubled areas of the world, while being supported and strengthened to do this as part of an active group? 

StarShine is a new online activity via Zoom where we come together to create a blazing Star, greater than the sum of our individual contributions, to bring healing and peace to areas of trouble and crisis.

StarShine will start from Monday 16th September at 12 noon BST/GMT (room opens 11:55am) and continue every Monday (excl. bank holidays). It will last no more than 15-20 minutes.

Each week we will focus on an area of need in our world, with some areas requiring focus for two to three weeks. So far we have held the drought-stricken areas of Eastern and Southern Africa and the world's polluted and over-exploited oceans in the light of the Star.

Every session will begin with a very short White Eagle reading, as we begin to create and build the Star together. Then we will surrender our special focus into its Light, concentrating on different aspects of the troubled area we have chosen for that session.

On Monday mornings, we will send out an email reminder and the Zoom link with a special focus for that week, so do double-check that you are signed up to our mailing list here

As the new online activity approaches, do join us and become part of the StarShine community; as we work together to help heal the world and our beloved Earth. The more people who join in, the greater the power. The power of the Star knows no limitation.

We look forward so much to welcoming you.

With love and encouragement in the Star,


What is the Star and why do we use it?

The Star of light is a living symbol given to us by White Eagle, which he says is immensely powerful for good on the inner planes of life. It is composed of two seamlessly interlocking triangles. The triangle with the broad base reaching up to the apex point represents human aspiration reaching up to the divine in love and worship, while the downward pointing triangle represents the answering light from God pouring down into the human heart. The triangles meet in the human heart and the perfect six-pointed Star they form represents the Christ spirit or the human being perfected by the Christ light. So when we create the Star in our 'heart-mind', we are seeing life perfected by the light and power and love of God. We send forth the light of the Star from the love in our hearts.
White Eagle says:

“When in the quietness of your sanctuary you are attuned to the Christ spirit, you are beginning to feel and know a power which is creative in life. In your worship of God you can bring into operation the power of your higher mind to create form. Create, visualize the blazing six-pointed Star, still, yet full of life and light. Identify yourselves with the Star, the centre of that Star. It is a Star of the Christ love … so gentle, yet firm and all-powerful for good. Feel the light radiating forth to bless, to comfort, to heal … Hold the souls of all people, or of any individual you wish to help within the heart of the Star and see them perfect in the light, the sunlight of God … When you surrender in love and simplicity to the Christ spirit, the form you are imagining is given life by the power of God. Your thought creates the form, but the love in the heart gives life to that form and sends it forth to heal the sick, to inspire peace and brotherhood in the outer world. Let us send forth the light of the Star …"

The Star with six points is the Star of Bethlehem, which means the Star of the human and divine united. Think of the miracle of the snowflake, each with its six points, and many flowers with six petals or points. Think along these lines and you will find that a six-pointed Star expresses something universal in nature in its simplicity, its perfect balance and truth. It is a symbol of a new consciousness, a new culture, if we can use that word.

What is the Star? We could never define it if we talked the whole length of an incarnation, but to sum up we would say that the Star is God’s plan for humanity. The Star is the Creators plan for the liberation of humanity. It is the symbol of creation; and in the very heart of the Star you will find eternity.