General Election 2024

Estimated Reading Time: 2-3 minutes

Image: Chris Bolland

Post by Jane Lewis

The horoscope for the General Election on 4th May has everything in the southern hemisphere with a strong focus on the fourth quadrant. Cast for 7am when the polls open, the Cancer Sun is in the 12thhouse square the moon’s nodes.    Quite clearly, this election is not about the private concerns of individuals but the needs of the wider collective.  Coming as it does at the end of the series of houses, the 12th has a karmic undertone as the soul has symbolically reached the end of its journey on its current cycle of experience and must now finally settle old accounts and tidy things up in readiness for the next new round. 

Recent polls show that the British people are suffering from an unprecedented level of disillusionment with politics and the dubious promises made by politicians.  While the Sun in the 12th house may reflect this widespread disappointment it also reminds us that politics is itself one of the service professions, together with other uniformed professions such as nursing, the police and armed forces.  Perhaps MPs of all parties should be required wear the same uniform as a reminder that it is the people as a whole they have been elected to serve and not simply their own party or indeed themselves!

In medieval times the twelfth house was known as the house of ‘self-undoing’, referring to the fact that at a certain stage in our development we unconsciously do self-destructive things, brought about by our higher Self in its yearning for spiritual purity.  A part of ourselves brings about our own downfall in an act of  ‘pyschic’ self-betrayal when it’s time for certain things within us to be ‘killed off’.  The 12th is a kind of blind spot, and planets there represent things that are difficult to see and recognise as belonging to ourself, therefore so we need to become more conscious of them and integrate them better into our wholeness.  In this General Election chart, such a lack of psychic integration may be shown by the lack of inter-aspects between the Lights (Sun and Moon) and personal planets.  There is something distinctly karmic about this chart too for the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars only make aspects with Saturn, which itself is not strong in watery Pisces and has just gone retrograde.  Mercury rising tightly opposes Pluto on the descendant.  The Moon’s north node in Aries tops the chart and sits on the midheaven and Chiron is the most elevated in the 10h house.

It's interesting to compare it with our national charts.  A bi-wheel showing the 2024 General Election around the 1801 United Kingdom chart (the Union of Great Britain with Ireland) highlights some interesting things: the General Election Sun sits on the 1801 midheaven, and the Leo Mercury-Ascendant conjoin the 1801 Jupiter.  The moon’s nodes in both charts are in close conunction, in other words, 2024 is another nodal return for the Union.  It would therefore seem that the results of the election are likely to have far-reaching consequences for the Union of Great Britain with Ireland, whether or not this is intentioned by the rival political parties.

The older national horoscope cast at the time of the coronation of William I (the Conqueror) at noon on Christmas Day 1066 has General Election Chiron sitting on its Aries ascendant.   Might the outcome of the Election provide an opportunity for some ancient wound of our nation to be healed?  Or will it be another time of wounding caused through failure to learn from past rounds of experience and inability to apply the wisdom we should now have gained?

General Election 2024 (Horoscope)

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Bi-wheel 1

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