Spiritual Support
The White Eagle teachings present us with spiritual principles that govern and underpin life. However, putting them into practice in our every day lives can be challenging.
To help your soul on its journey through this lifetime, White Eagle Lodge offers different ways to receive and give spiritual support. This may be through spiritual healing, prayer, group work or supportive activities both online and in-person.
Feel nurtured and supported within our community; participate in group activities and receive or provide spiritual guidance.
Ways to receive and give support
- Sign up to our mailing list for details of our latest news, updates and announcements.
- Download our Star Healing prayer to send healing to people, animals and the Earth.
- Use the White Eagle Teachings Database as a tool to help you and others live peacefully and harmoniously.
- Request healing for yourself, a loved one or an animal friend.
- Attend an in-person Contact Healing service
- Join a healing group and start your journey to becoming a healer.
- Email distanthealing@white-eagle.org.uk