Astrology Update

An update for 14th October 2024, by Patricia Godden

On 14thOctober, an interaction between the Sun in Libra, Mars in Cancer and retrograde Chiron in Aries suggests an interplay between the sense of identity and wanting to consider or care for others. Feelings could be heightened. It might be helpful to consider all factors involved when taking action to resolve ongoing situations.

This situation is emphasised on 17th October when the full Moon in Aries is close to retrograde Chiron. While there might be a feeling that assertiveness, action or independence could bring a sense of comfort, other factors in life still need to be considered. There is a need to balance wanting individuality and autonomy while also thinking how individual actions might affect other people.

A complex interaction between the Sun in Libra and all of the planets from Mars outwards goes on from 17th – 22nd October. There is much potential for change and reform.

One of the planets involved in these interactions is Pluto in Capricorn. Action may now be taken on issues that arose from the subconscious during the recent retrograde phase. However, as Pluto is in the last degree of the sign and will not be in that position again for well over two hundred years, there could be a sense of urgency to sort out those issues.

Powerful actions could bring dramatic changes in organised groups and major establishments. Strong feelings might be accompanied by the desire or urge to transform a situation. While uncontrolled emotions may wreak havoc, controlling the emotions might allow the energy of emotions to be directed towards carefully considering all actions.

There are currently many opinions and ideas about what could be most advantageous to society, the different nations in the world and the planet itself. Some of these ideas are of a practical or material nature but others relate to the inner needs of the soul. Taking time to consider all facets of what is going on could be advantageous.

Until 18thOctober, there is a grand trine between Venus initially in Scorpio and then Sagittarius, Mars in Cancer and retrograde Neptune in Pisces. This harmonious interaction could bring a deeper, more compassionate and caring energy to the dynamic actions that are going on at this time. Going beyond the boundaries of material thinking could contribute to resolving the issues in the physical world.

Thoughts could be deep and profound during the next two weeks while Mercury is in Scorpio. At one level, this can be associated with wanting to delve into the reasons and background of events in life as well as having meaningful discussions about them. At another level, there can be an interest in deeper subjects such as why we are on Earth and other mysteries.

The depth of thinking about life relating to Mercury in Scorpio resonates with Saturn and Neptune being retrograde and in Pisces. There could be an urge to look beneath the surface of life lived in a material world and explore the subtle realms of life such as the nature spirits and angelic kingdom. Deeper facets of our own being, the soul and spirit and their relationship to the physical body may also be of interest.

Late on 17thOctober, Venus moves into Sagittarius, which has the soul lesson of love through wisdom. Venus in Sagittarius may be associated with a more positive and optimistic approach to everyday living. New adventures, be they of a physical or philosophical nature, could be appealing. There may be greater value placed on truth and honesty.

The Sun moves into Scorpio on 22nd October and this highlights the soul lesson of peace through love. Deep inner peace can be independent of external circumstances. In the weeks while the Sun is in Scorpio and Venus is in Sagittarius, the concepts of peace, love and wisdom interact and blend.

On 23rdOctober, retrograde Saturn in Pisces interacts with almost all of the other planets. At a time when so much is happening in the outer world with old ways being broken down and old rules and regulations being dissolved, there is also a creative energy that brings in new ways that are taking humanity forward on its path of evolution.

New and deeper ways of thinking are emerging. There is the potential for greater awareness of how other people feel. Pioneers are able to integrate previous experience into new ideas, innovations and enterprises.

Keep well, stay happy.