Astrology Update

An update for 17th March 2025, by Patricia Godden

On 17thMarch, the Sun is close to the north node of the Moon in Pisces. This is shining light on deep and subtle aspirations of humanity: to be kind, compassionate and incorporate spirituality into daily life. Although this might seem like an idealistic vision, there is the potential to bring those concepts into reality as the south node of the Moon is in Virgo, a sign of practical, down-to-earth service.

The qualities associated with the Sun and north node in Pisces may be accentuated for a couple of weeks while Neptune is in the last degree of this sign. Considering the feelings of other people might feel like an inner yearning but there might also be a feeling that something is limiting this possibility. As outworn ways of thinking dissolve, it may be easier to be kind in interactions with others.

The six-week long retrograde phase of Venus is now well established. It is a time when values may be reconsidered. If there are areas of life that have got out of balance, these may be identified and action taken to restore harmony with inner, core values. As Venus is one of the planets associated with money, it is not surprising that international finances have been in the news so much recently.

Mercury is close to Venus and both planets are retrograde and in Aries until 26th March. Innovative projects concerning money and financial affairs may be reviewed and perhaps revised. Any changes in worldwide financial systems prompt discussions. These may be about the current systems but they might also open up talks on new or innovative systems.

What may have been autonomous ideas while Mercury and Venus were both in Aries may change after Venus regresses into Pisces on 27th March and Mercury follows three days later. The change from Aries to Pisces could bring much more consideration for others.

From 19th – 29thMarch, the Sun, Mercury and Venus, close to the cusp between Pisces and Aries, form a harmonious interaction with Pluto in Aquarius. This suggests that talks evaluating new ideas and enterprising actions may consider others with the potential to bring about an improvement in the welfare of humanity.

The new Moon on 29thMarch is also a partial solar eclipse. With the Sun and Moon both in Aries, this eclipse could indicate fresh, new ways of doing things over the next year or more. It opens up the possibility to instigate new projects and enterprises that may replace what has been outgrown over the last few years. There may be new beginnings in many areas of life.

On the following day, Neptune moves into Aries for the first time since 1875. It will remain in Aries until October then regress into Pisces for a few months. In January 2026 it will again move into Aries and stay there until 2038. At a physical level, the time Neptune is in Aries could be associated with innovations that transcend previous ones. New ideas relating to fashion, music and art may appear.

The presence of Neptune in Aries could also be concerned with new ways of exploring the mystical realms. Pioneers may emerge who further humanity’s understanding of spirituality. Over the coming decade or so, there may be further inroads into the concept of the oneness of all life. It might be helpful to approach such advances with discernment as well as an open mind.

Neptune is the second of the outer planets that changes sign as Pluto settled in Aquarius last November. Saturn will move into Aries for three months from May and Uranus will move into Gemini for six months from June. Both will go back into their current signs for a few months before settling into the new signs in 2026.

This means that the four outermost planets all move from earth or water signs into fire or air signs between 2024 and 2026. This can be associated with changing from being materially and emotionally orientated to aspiring to love and brotherhood. We have not experienced these positions of these planets at the same time since before 5,000 BCE. Such a fundamental change signifies a shift in human consciousness.

There have been a lot of changes in the world over the last few years and it now feels as if these may have been preparation for this stage in the evolution of humanity: perhaps a life that aims for the highest good of all life on Earth.

Keep well, stay happy.