What can we expect in 2025?

Early last year, Pluto moved into Aquarius, where it will remain for the next twenty years. Much has already happened in the world to illustrate the profound and drastic influence of Pluto in these turbulent times. At heart, Pluto is symbolic of Divine Power, and as such is inevitable in its effects, i.e. it symbolizes conditions or happenings which we simply cannot avoid, over which we have no control and which, willingly or reluctantly, we find we have to accept. However difficult that may be, change is also built into Pluto’s ‘remit’. Above all, it is a transforming power. As this is a time of change of age, albeit a period that will be quite long in human terms, the term is appropriate. It is almost as if the change of age which has been gradually happening is now being greatly speeded up, so things that might once have taken many years to occur are taking place almost before our eyes. This calls for some very rapid adjustments to be made, in order to adapt to the new conditions.

With Pluto in Aquarius, the major emphasis is now on matters of mind and attitude and the ways in which we work together (or not) and develop a proper sense of brotherhood at all levels of life. A period of great striving for truth in all areas of life is indicated, a period of much interrogation of power too: this, of course, is already occurring, but will become much more crucial. Pluto in Aquarius will also be evident in major scientific developments which have been worked on quietly for a long time and then emerge into practical fruition. The growth and development of AI is the obvious example at present. Above all, Pluto in Aquarius will help us to understand better the power of thought – and test us to see if we can truly use it for good rather than self!

Neptune, currently at the end of Pisces, moves into Aries at the end of March, to be followed in late May by Saturn, also currently in Pisces. Although neither will remain in Aries this year – both retrograde back into Pisces for a while later in the year – there will be a definite change of feeling, especially as regards Neptune. Pisces is its own sign, so for the last fourteen or so years it has been strong and ‘comfortable’ there. Aries is different in almost every respect; Aries and Neptune mixes fire with water, so decidedly ‘uncomfortable’! Aries is a sign of action, unlike the contemplative nature of Pisces. Neptune will seem to become, to a degree, a planet of action, although in essence it is not.

Things are further complicated by Saturn’s ‘creeping up’ behind Neptune (although they are not in exact conjunction until early next year). Saturn too is not comfortable in Aries: either it tries to hold back the impulsiveness of Aries – a good thing, we might think – or it is simply brushed aside by it. Both possibilities will be seen, according to prevailing circumstances at the time. Both planets being in Aries suggests that it is a time in which we need not to lose sight of two things: vision and common sense! They need to work together, and somehow to balance the impulsiveness and forcefulness of Aries.

Uranus is still moving through Taurus, shaking up well-established institutions and disturbing financial norms, but there is more of a sense of urgency with this now: the economic issues besetting the world need addressing more than ever. Like Aquarius, the new age sign, Uranus, the new age planet emphasises the need to face the truth – in this case, the planet being in Taurus, with regard to any and every economic issue that we face. However, like Saturn and Neptune it too changes sign later this year, in July, although it too retrogrades back into Taurus for a while late in the year. Gemini is in many ways an ‘easier’ sign for Uranus than Taurus has been. It operates much more on the mental level and is helpful for original thinking and communication. As always, Uranus tends to bring the unexpected and unusual, but among all the chaos, it may well bring unexpected breakthroughs in almost any area of life.

Simon Bentley, Head of Astrology

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