The first edition of Altair 2025 is now available!

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The first edition of Altair, our astrology journal, for 2025 is now available. 

Altair is only published twice a year (February & August), so announcing new editions is always a special moment. Unlike Stella Polaris, which is available in our book store and as a free subscription to members, Altair is only purchasable in our book store.

The name ALTAIR means 'eagle' in Arabic. It is the brightest star in the constellation
Aquila, which also means ‘eagle’, but in Latin. Mythologically the eagle, the ‘bird of Jove’
(king of the gods), was considered the one creature that could soar to the realm of the
gods without aid. It is also the traditional symbol of St. John, the writer of the gospel and
the Revelation, whose consciousness in like manner could soar to the celestial heights. It
is our hope that this journal will similarly open and raise the consciousness of its readers.

Three articles feature in this edition:

  • The Discovery of the Outer Planets by Patricia Godden
  • Teresa of Avila - a life in the light of the outer planets by Wim Weehuizen
  • Chiron - more than a wounded healer by Carole Wood