Heavenly Anniversaries

A post from StarNotes by Jenny Dent

I believe that Anniversary days bring a special vibration with them.

Obviously, anniversaries of the day we were born, our birth day, are of great significance when we are young. It used to be less so as we grew up, but nowadays it's not just 18 or 21 which are highlighted, but the beginning of each new decade! The positive outcome of this is, it can start us looking at our lives over those last ten years, maybe deciding on new goals, and ways to make the best use of every opportunity we are given to sow seeds of happiness and love.

Every birthday is a good time to reflect on our blessings and all the things for which to say thank you, as we look back on the past year.

I recently hosted one of our online activities for members on the theme of prayer and read some of White Eagle's words, which highlighted the importance of thankfulness in our prayers (rather than just asking for things!). It went like this:

'Beloved friends, when we sit in the silence and commune with the invisible, we become aware of the praise and thanksgiving flowing from the heart of God. It may seem strange to you to think of God giving thanks, but we ask you to consider this idea of God giving thanks. God created the world, the heavens and all things. And God gave thanks when he beheld his creation.'

White Eagle

Being thankful for the blessings we do have, helps open the doorway to greater wellbeing and happiness. This is so, also when we think of our loved ones on the Anniversaries of their 'heavenly birthdays'. As we thank God for all the good times we shared, as well as the hard ones, we receive an inflow of light and love which helps compensate for our loss.

In White Eagle's work, we have always marked Anniversaries, and especially the date of the first service, 22nd February 1936. This year of 2025, at very nearly our ninetieth decade, we have much to reflect on and be thankful for. White Eagle's teachings has now spread all over the world and uplifted the hearts of thousands of people.

We will be celebrating this during a special 89th Anniversary Service (live stream available) on Sunday 23rd February at 11:15 (GMT) in the Temple of Light at New Lands.

I have the vision of a seed of light....a shining 'acorn'....sown in the earth on 22nd February 1936, now grown into a glorious Tree of Light, its branches spread across our planet and its golden leaves falling in blessing on countless hearts. Saying 'thank you', together, adds more power to prayer. So do join us at this happy anniversary time!