South East Region
Eastbourne and Worthing
Michaela Hurcomb
T: 01273 968462
Carole Wood
T: 01323 504779
Contact John Pettett
T: 07308 10 10 22
Polegate Community Centre, 54 Windsor Way, Polegate, BN26 6QF
Monthly Meeting - Third Sunday of each month at 11am
A drop-in service of quiet reflection, inspiration, and meditation, with contact healing following the main service. Upcoming Dates: Feb 16th, March 16th, April 13th (second Sunday), May 18th, June 15th, July 20th.
Additional healing is also available by appointment. Please contact Carole Wood (see contact details at top of page).
Distant Healing Group - Fourth Thursday of each month (except December) at 4:15pm.
This popular group meets in person. Light refreshments are available after the meet. The group also meets on Zoom every Wednesday, 7:30 - 8:15pm.
If interested in participating in this rewarding path of service, sending healing light to those in need, please contact Michaela Hurcomb (see contact details at top of page).
White Eagle Books & Library
We have a range of White Eagle books for sale. By purchasing books directly from the White Eagle Lodge centres in the South East of England, you are hugely helping to support the continued funding of these centres. We also have a comprehensive library of spiritual books and many other subjects and traditions. Members are welcome to borrow up to three books at any one time.
Please contact Carole Wood (see contact details at top of page).
Save the date...
Monday 24th March (2pm – 3pm). A service of re-dedication for all healers, of any healing pathway. The opportunity to come together to silently re-dedicate ourselves to the service of healing. With readings and music. All welcome.
Friends Meeting house, 34 Mill Road, Worthing, BN11 5DR
Monthly Meeting - First Thursday of each month at 2:30pm (except August and second Thursday in December)
A drop-in service of quiet reflection, inspiration and meditation.
Discussion Group - Fourth Sunday of each month at 2:30pm (except August and December)
Reading of a White Eagle teaching (emailed or provided on the day), ending with a short attunement.
For more information, please contact John Pettet (see contact details at top of page).
Distant Healing Group - First Thursday of each month at 1:15pm
Sending healing to those in need. If new to this type of healing, you are very welcome to join for a few sessions to see if it connects with you.
Please contact John Pettet (see contact details at top of page).